Thursday, June 16, 2005

Everyone Else

I don't believe in God. Not really the point of this post, however, I'm starting to wonder if maybe there really is a master plan for each of us.

I admit that upon making my decision to move to San Francisco I coould only list a handful of people I know in the area. Most of them are friends from UVA with whom I've lost touch. There are also a few friends of friends whose names I recognize, as well as brothers and cousins of friends who I like to pretend that I already know anyway.

But the other day I found out that someone I have known since elementary school and with whom my life has somehow parallelled without much effort, moved to San Francisco last week after graduating from Business School. For the record, Business Schooler is two years older than I am, we both participated in all of the same activities in high school, had the same first job, ended up at the same college... On many levels, we're twins. And (eyeroll please), my mom can be quoted as saying Business Schooler is someone she would love to see me take on as a role model. (Sigh.)

Mom and Dad have had a lot to say about my pending relocation. But now that Business Schooler is out there to watch over me they're a little more quiet about it. It just might be the only time the, "But everyone else is going!" argument has ever not been counter argued by my parents with, "Do I look like everyone else? Are YOU everyone else? If everyone ELSE jumped off the..."

I don't know if Mom and Dad fully support my decision to move at this point. But for now, not arguing about it is good enough for me.

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