Friday, November 24, 2006

All I Want for Christmas 2006

It is that time of year again. And it has been since the day after Halloween. But in honor of Black Friday, I think it best to compose The List: All I Want for Christmas 2006.

  1. Energy. To wake up at 6:00 a.m. every day.
  2. Courage. To try new activities, like snowboarding and skiing and wakeboarding.
  3. Inspiration. To never settle.
  4. Charisma. To make each day brighter.
  5. Serenity. At home. At work. Despite the stress.
  6. Love. From a man.
  7. Loyalty. From my friends.
  8. Support. From my family.
  9. Ambition. To train for another race.
  10. Perseverance. To push through when it gets difficult.
  11. Speed. To run a marathon in 3:40.
  12. Acceptance. Of myself. For what I am and what I am not.
  13. Understanding. Of my brother. For what he is and what he is not.
  14. Patience. With my mother. And my father. Because I am only going to need more as the years pass.
  15. Discipline. To resist chocolate. Alcohol. Peanut butter. (In excess…)
  16. Forgiveness. For everything.
  17. Optimism. Because goodness often hides.
  18. Empathy. For everyone I know and love.
  19. Humor. Because I rarely feel like doing sit-ups.
  20. Laughter. Is there anything better on which I can blame the wrinkles around my eyes?
  21. Introspection. To write and read and think.
  22. Money. For now. And for later.
  23. Conversation. Over pots and pots of coffee.
  24. Pride. For who I am today. And for who I am going to be.
  25. Joy. To share with those around me.
  26. Growth. Despite the pains.
  27. Thoughtfulness. To give great presents.
  28. Depth. Underneath layers and layers and layers.
  29. Thick skin. To shrug off the criticism.
  30. Confidence. To toe the line.
  31. Curiosity. To explore. Dream. Discover.
  32. Peace. To sleep soundly.
  33. Flexibility. To bend when it’s necessary.
  34. Leadership. And something to believe in.
  35. Chemistry. And snap, crackle, pop.
  36. Surprise. Every once in a while. To keep it interesting.
  37. Warmth. In a smile.
  38. Comfort. In the embrace of someone I love.
  39. Excitement. In the ordinary.
  40. Excellence. Because anything worth doing, is worth doing excellently.
  41. Frequent Flyer Miles. To soak it all in.
  42. A porch swing. On which to sit on a clear night.
  43. A bay window. From which to view the San Francisco skyline.
  44. A boat. By which to sail away.
  45. Sand between my toes. While I lie and think about nothing.
  46. Musicality. Because life needs a soundtrack.
  47. Wisdom. To know what is important.
  48. To be genuine. "Even better than the real thing..."
  49. Creativity. To alleviate boredom.
  50. To "make the most of [myself], for that is all there is of [me]." (Emerson)


mouse said...

m coming west to learn to snowboard this winter/early spring at Tahoe. if you would be up for it, i'm sure we could make room for one more... :)

walchka said...

May all your wishes be granted...

Trisaratops said...


But the peanut butter thing? That just HAS to go.

Or maybe that's just for me....:)

Rich said...

That's a perfect list.

brent said...

wow, nice list.

Habeela said...

Number 15 and 23! I thought I was the only one that had a discipline problem when it came to peanut butter! :) Peanut butter and chocolate? Yeah, that's just a catastrophe waiting to happen.

running42k said...

I hope that list is granted this Christmas.

As for the peanut butter/chocolate/alcohol you better pray that Reese's doesn't develop a wine.

miss petite america said...


Mike said...

Ditto Trisaratops- that is a beautiful list - hope you get it all girly!

Brooke said...

All that and the perfect little black dress and you'll be set.
Beautiful list Nic. I love the "life needs a soundtrack" one.

massoman said...

this list is so good.

Opaque Hourglass said...

I love it, I love it, I love it. A Wish list to live by. Tis now hanging on my wall! Thanks, Love.

April Anne said...

beautiful list

Anonymous said...

Dad says ... hmmmm ... are you talking store bought peanut butter or the home-made nut butter that I make when you come back for a visit?

runliarun said...

Awesome. Can I borrow a bit? You are so full of life and love...