Monday, December 31, 2007

You Live, You Learn

Don't get me wrong. It has been an exciting, amazing year.

I learned how to snowboard. This past year, in North Lake Tahoe, I learned how to navigate a mountain with both feet buckled into a board that is 144 cm in length. And I even learned how to stop!

I also learned how to swim in open water. In a wet suit. And I learned - all over again - how to ride a bike. And I'll tell you, it is nothing like it was when I was a kid. I also learned how hard running a 10K can be. Especially after you have already swam a mile and cycled 25 before running it. So, yes, I more or less learned how to triathlon this past year.

I learned how to backpack. To trek for miles and miles up and down mountains with 30 pounds strapped to my back. I learned how to pitch a tent and how to purify water for drinking. I learned how good campsite coffee tastes, and even more important, how good a campsite swig of Crown Royal can be.

This year, I learned how important - to me - it is to always try new things. No matter how scar they may seem. In 2007, I learned to take a deep breath and go for it. No matter what. Because - and perhaps this is the most important lesson I learned this past year - it always feels pretty amazing to do something I never thought I could do.

I learned how to love again, this year. I re-learned how happy a big hug and a forehead kiss can make me. And I re-learned how wonderful a night on the couch listening to music and talking really is. I almost forgot how nice it is to love and be loved...

2007. A year of no limits, learning, and love. Happy New Year.


a.maria said...

hey lady! happy new year!

running42k said...

Happy New year to you Nic and all the best in 2008.