Wednesday, January 02, 2008

In With the Old

I regret that just like last year, I start 2008 with...

Some junk in my trunk from all those Christmas cookies.
A lower balance in my savings account than would be ideal.
A higher balance on my credit card than I am comfortable.
A burning desire for my end of year bonus.
Sore muscles from a weekend of snowboarding.
Excitement for an entire season in Tahoe.
Anticipation for Wildflower 2008.
Disbelief that I will ever be able to swim a mile non-stop.
Determination to train, train, train...
Awe of my upcoming travel schedule for work.
A commitment to reading more great books.
A promise to spend less time in front of the television.
A passion for my life in San Francisco.
A strong desire to better myself both inside and out.
Disbelief that another year is gone.
And hope that 2008 will be the best year yet.

Come to think of it, perhaps there is nothing wrong with a little old in this new year.

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