Wednesday, January 09, 2008


Since my trip to Tahoe for New Years, I have been physically active every day of the week. Snowboarding, cycling, running, swimming, walking, weight training. Yes, the “New Year, New You” fever has bit me, and I’m pretty motivated to redeem myself – and my body – from the past few months of long flights, meetings, and buffet meals 0% in whole grains.

If only January came every month!

Of course today, the "New Year, New Flu-Cold-Cough" fever has hit me. Yes, just in time for a flight to Atlanta. (Because breathing re-circulated air for 6 hours two days in a row does a body with flu-cold-cough sypmptoms good.) I'm back to barely being able to walk without getting winded. How am I going to be able to swim, bike, run, and snowboard?

I am sitting in a meeting surrounded by doctors who are researching better anti-hypertension drugs. Like we really need another anti-hypertensive drug?

What I need is an efficacious cold pill. Pharmas, get started on your trials!

1 comment:

running42k said...

If you have access to a pool, sometimes the water can help with the moisture.

Hope the bug is gone soon.

Good luck with apartment hunting.