Monday, June 25, 2007

Staggering Genius

It has been over two years now. Two years since I decided to pack up everything I knew and loved. To set out for San Francisco. Two years since I cleaned out the closets. Since I started the Craigslist search for an apartment, a job, a new life.

I don’t think about it that much – how ridiculously wonderful it has all worked out. Despite the rough patches. Because no matter how far away you go, you never really can just run away from your past. Eventually, you have to stare it down and tell it to go to hell.

It has been a year now. A year since I met AER. And Puck. Since we found our apartment. Since we made OUR new life. Our life with morning runs and afternoon swims. Thursday night spins and weekend bike rides. Regina Spektor On The Radio and Entourage on the television. A roommate, as well as a sister.

I think about it all the time – how this place is so much better than it was when I started. How much my life, my outlook, my PERSON, has changed since I met her. About how much easier it is to believe in yourself when you have someone there cheering for you.

“Can you see this motherfucking sky? Have you ever fucking BEEN to California?

Atop our bikes, climbing Highway 1. The blue sky above and the blue ocean below. We pushed. We pulled. We floated. We laughed. We sang. We quoted.

So fucking glad, despite all of the heartbreak and staggering, to be in California.


running42k said...

Happy anniversary.

Dad said...

What is up with that language? hmmmmm --- bad, bad, bad.

Katie said...

wow, time flew - i remember your going away party! I will say though, that during the low times of my new-city adjustment, I looked to you b/c you seemed to have it so together from the minute you set foot on the left coast.