Friday, June 20, 2008

When in Rome...

I kind of fell in love with Mountain Man JCB on our first date. I know, I don't believe in Love at First Sight. But I do believe in Love at First Watching of Ace Ventura Pet Detective. When JCB and I said all the words to Ace Ventura Pet Detective, in unison, from start to finish of the entire movie, I knew this was it.

My feelings for the man were only reconfirmed when months later, after a long night of drinking, we woke up and watched Anchorman from start to finish. Again, JCB could not keep quiet and recited every single line of the entire movie. And much to my surprise, every single line of that movie - that movie I had only seen once prior to this viewing - was a line that JCB frequently used. A line that frequently brought me to hysterics, nonetheless. And I had no idea he was being entirely unoriginal all the while!

However, given my inclination to memorizing movies and dropping the lines whenever I can, this only made me love the guy even more.

I love scotch. Scotchy, scotch, scotch. Here it goes down, down into my belly...

For just one night let’s not be Co-workers. Let's be Co-people...

Baxter, you know I don't speak Spanish...

I love lamp...

When in Rome...

So, now that I actually am, IN ROME, I am missing Mountain Man even more than ever. This city is pretty amazing, I have to say. And it would be a lot more fun to eat all this gelato and drink all this wine and do all this wandering around if I weren't all by myself.

But I am, IN ROME, and it is 9PM, so I better go get some gelato...


a.maria said...


*puke, vomit, barf*

(and you know i say that out of lurve for you, and jealousy of your non-single-status with obviously such a great man.

but still..

i'm vomiting everyhwhere!!!!)

Anonymous said...

Dad says .... hmmmmmmmm........and, oh, BTW, I like Mountain man too.

a.maria said...

lol. dear phase five's dad...

i was puking and vomiting at the "i miss my boyfriend" lovey dovey stuff... it was a joke.

not a jab at her man!!! :)