Monday, January 15, 2007

Beard Burn

My chin is kind of dry. And red. It's also a little sore. I look kind of silly, to be honest. Dark hair. Dark eyes. Light skin. Red chin...

Why is my chin so red?

Shit - I have beard burn!

Oh, that's SO good! Beard burn... Certainly NOT going to find any complaints about beard burn here.



walchka said...

Hmmm...I guess it's a little late, but someone is crossing things of her Christmas list. ;)

Laurie said...

Hehe. Beard burn IS a good thing.

Anonymous said...

omg, the worst is when people know exactly what it is, but then you realize that it's not really the worst b/c then they know you're getting some.

Wear it with a badge of honor, my dear!

running42k said...

The year of yes?

Brooke said...


Sounds like a good time was had by all.

Trisaratops said...

LOL!!!! :)

You go, girl. Rock that beard burn.

Anonymous said...

Yeah Yeah!

(Now I have Flaming Lips stuck in the head...yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah...waaahh...If you could get beard burn again, would you do it? With all YOUR power!)

Anonymous said...

I dont get it!

Kate said...

Beard burn..

Funny how you never get that after a couple of months in a relationship!