Wednesday, January 17, 2007

The Cat in my Apartment

We've been a family now for almost six months. AER, me, and The Cat. AER's cat.

The Fucking Cat...

The Cat wakes up right 6:00 AM every day. And he cries until one of us feeds him. "REER-REER-REER-REER..." Whoever suggested the onomatopoeia "Meow" is an idiot. The Cat's call for food sounds nothing like a cute "meow."

Each day, after breakfast at dawn, The Cat likes to go for a run around the apartment. Unlike me, The Cat is not so much an endurance athlete. No, there is no slow and steady for The Cat. The Cat is more of a sprinter. A track star, if you will. His specialty is the Feline High Jump. He runs and springs and clears obstacles like my desk. My nightstand. My bookshelf. And the television.

However like me, The Cat often runs into things. He breaks up his morning sprint around the apartment by running into walls. And doors. Also my bed. More than anything, The Cat crashes into my door. You know, my door that I have shut so I can go back to sleep. He crashes into it with his claws. Repeatedly. Scratching. And scratching and scratching.

Until he starts to whimper. The Cat whimpers and whines until AER or I wake-up and go into the living room. Not to feed him - he's already been fed. And not to get him water, as he has his own water fountain. The Cat whimpers and whines simply because he wants us to get out of bed.

And it is at this point that The Cat becomes a real pain in the ass.

Because as soon as one of us gets out of our beds, The Cat runs into either AER's or my bedroom. He then jumps onto the bed out of which one of us has just left. He plops himself onto the pillow on which we were just sleeping. And The Cat, himself, settles in, and goes to sleep.

The Fucking Cat!

The Cat is sitting next to me right now. He is just staring at me. Oh, how I wish I knew what he was thinking! Mysterious cat...

Tonight, when I arrived home from work, The Cat greeted me at the door. He can hear me coming down the hallway. And I can hear him scamper from his favorite chair (which coincidentally, is MY favorite chair) to the door. The Cat slides on our hardwood floors and flips onto his back. He comes to a stop inches from the front door, paws curled, belly exposed, and eyes wide, begging, "Scratch me!"

The Fucking Cat. So damn cute!

He follows me around the apartment as I put down my bag. Collect my mail. Cook dinner. If I've just come in from the gym, and I then change my clothes, The Cat gets comfortable atop my smelly workout gear. (He's particularly a fan of my stinky socks!) When I sit down at the table to read the mail or open my laptop, he jumps up onto my mail or laptop so that I cannot read anything.

And when I do win sitting rights in the chair, to crochet or watch television or to read a book, I often find The Cat is perched to my right on the armrest. I look at him, and he purrs. He crawls around and sits himself down right on my lap. He nuzzles his head into my arm and says, "If you didn't work, we could sit like this ALL DAY!"

The Cat. He loves me!

Sometimes I can't find The Cat. I often find myself panic a little when he disappears. Sometimes I even catch myself peering out the window to make sure he didn't fall out or anything. We have screens and we hardly ever have the windows open, but still, I worry. But deep down, I know I'll find him. And so I go looking... The Cat normally turns up quickly. Under my bed. Under my desk. Under my dresser. Inside my dresser. In my closet. Under my sink. In my shower...

The Cat is a lunatic!

Before I got to bed each night, I head to the bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth. The Cat, sensing that it is time to go to sleep - meanders over to my bedroom. He looks around, tries to act natural. Pretends - just for a second - that he has no interest in jumping onto my bed. But sure enough, up he goes, and around he walks, settling himself right smack in the middle of where I intend to sleep.

He looks startled when I approach the bed. And he raises his eyes as I pull down the covers and request that he please, move OVER just a tad. I scratch his neck, and he obliges. Purring, he gives me a good night sniff. We play for a few minutes and he gnaws at my hand. He settles down and goes to sleep right next to me. Next to me - not AER. He's her cat, but he likes to sleep with me.

The Cat. I fucking LOVE this cat!


running42k said...

Very nice post.

Laurie said...

You actually made me miss having a cat around. I grew up with cats but haven't had one in six years.

Anonymous said...

Im allergic...

Brooke said...

When my husband and I first got married we had a cat that did the same "cat olympics." Our downstairs neighbor didn't appreciate it and tattled on us saying we had some "huge dog" that ran around the apt. all morning.

The only thing that saved us is me showing the manager that it wasn't a dog, it was an 8lb cat...and really, how much noise could he possibly make?? LOL.

Cliff said...

U don't have to wonder what your cat is thinking. It is thinking it is better than you and you are the slave and he is the master.

U do realize once u get up when he meows in the morning, he will know what to do next time. Whenever my cat meows at me in the morning to feed him, I will do whatever I can to pretend to be sleeping. I can't let him win....

Mathieu said...

gotta love cats!

just had a look of your pic blog. Some are really incredible!

Be well

Anonymous said...

Dad Says ... I still hate cats and always will ... even if I wasn't allergic ... are you sure you didn't have CAT BURN (not Beard Burn????) ... Love Always, Dad -- currently with his own beard!

LeahC said...'re cat sounds like my cat! when she was a kitten (she's going to be 6 now..) we lived in this apartment that had this long hallway and she would get herself running so fast that she could run ...literally on the walls. When we moved the walls were covered with little cat prints :-) She's calmed down a bit now...but she has her moment.s