Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Suddenly I See

I first started wearing glasses when I was six years old and in first grade. The teacher found it odd that I kept writing the wrong answers on my Mad Minute Math Tests.

7 + 6 = 1
5 x 5 = 10

I had a hard time reading the problems, basically, and was confusing the signs. So, we realized I should probably head to the eye doctor, who diagnosed me with myopia and astigmatism. Through the years, the myopia and astigmatism worsened to the point that I was 20/400. I could walk around my apartment without glasses on, but I would definitely bump into things. And I could venture outside of the apartment, but I wouldn't be able to see anything except blobs of color.

All that changed on Friday, when I had PRK surgery on my eyes. It's like LASIK, but is for people whose corneas are too thin for LASIK. Oh, and it hurts like a bitch, whereas LASIK is pretty painless for most people.

I spent the weekend in bed and on the sofa, washing down painkillers with a glass of wine. I think I slept more than I was awake. But today, I went back to the eye doctor for my five day check-up and my vision has improved to 20/25.


Oh, and yes, I absolutely DID almost cry when I woke up in the middle of the night and I could read the alarm clock.

2008.05.09i - PRK Surgery

1 comment:

Brooke said...

Congrats! My hubby had PRK (the only one the military will pay for) and it was a huge success. It took about a week for him to reach his full "seeing potential" but once he did he was so thankful that he had done it.