Saturday, May 24, 2008

Flip Flop... Flip Flop...

I'm pretty amazed at my running performance this year. It is anything but consistent. On Tuesday, in the hotel gym, I could barely get through my first mile when I seriously thought I was going to have a heart attack. I slowed down my pace a bit, and struggled through Mile 2, only to start feeling fabulous again.

I somehow ended up rocking out five miles in less than 45 minutes. What?! That includes time walking and limping at the beginning of the workout. How could I barely maintain 10 min/mile pace at first, only to then fly consistently at 8 min/mile pace at the end of the workout?

Yesterday, I felt like crap. I couldn't even get off the couch. And yet this afternoon, I somehow kicked out 10 miles in 90 minutes on a route that was at least 25% uphill. I ran my normal 8 mile route to the Golden Gate Bridge and back, but threw in a loop of hills in the Presidio to really help me prep for the hills during Alcatraz.

14 Days and Counting Down. I seriously hope June 8 is a FLIP day and not a FLOP!

1 comment:

rinusrunning said...

Goodluck and a Flip day about 8 days!!!!!.
Groet Rinus.