Friday, December 02, 2005

Quitters Sometimes Win

The graph below depicts my 9-5 mood the past six weeks.
I wonder if the nadirs have anything to do with my job? I wonder if the peaks have anything to do with the days I wasn't working and was hanging out with my friends and family? I wonder if the surge to 100 has anything to do with the fact that I went on a great interview on Tuesday? And that they offered me a job on Thursday? And that I QUIT on Friday?

I wonder who made up that stupid cliche that quitters never win... Because this quitter is winning. Definitely winning.


Anonymous said...

You are the best. We are so proud of you. We so enjoyed seeing you over Thanksgiving. We are so excited for you.
Love, E, S, P, C, T, Z, and The Fish.

krys said...

I'm torn between really excited and happy and glad for you, and really sad. but mostly happy :) this is GREAT news! *sniff*

brent said...

too much inside information! heh. but it sounds like good news, so good for you!

Unknown said...

so lets here more...about the job at least. It must seem funny now.

Katie said...


Anonymous said...

What is the score?

a.maria said...

OMGOMGOMGOMG!!! so you left the job that took you out to san fran and got a NEW job?! omgomg!! thats fantastic! you are my hero!!!

seriously thats awesome, major props and MAJOR congrats comin' at ya!