Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Chain Two

Well, today it happened. Finally. I got sick.

I woke up to a sore, dry throat. And a headache that should only be felt on a Sunday morning after a fantastic wedding. 16 hours, 16 glasses of water, and 8 advil later, I still can't seem to evade the pounding in my head.

It seems as if the summer has caught up with me. Of course! One day after I finally woke up on the RIGHT side of the bed. And had a calm day at work. One day after I developed new ideas for how to overcome my lack of ambition... (More to come, naturally.)

And so, I sit on the couch. Crocheting a blanket. Trying to focus on something other than the hammer that is pounding against the back of my left eye.

Single crochet, chain one, single crochet, chain one, single crochet, chain two...


running42k said...

Crocheting a blanket? Don't you have a spare in the closet that you can put on?

Hope you feel better soon.

Habeela said...

And even though you're sick you're STILL doing stuff! :) feel better soon.

Anonymous said...

Hope you are feelling better.

a.maria said...

oh nooo, pobrecita, i hope you get to feeling better SOON soon soon!!!!

crocheting a blanket. thats funny.. i woked on a knitting a scarf for my dad when i was sick!

great minds... great minds... ;)

Anonymous said...

Dad says ... Last time I got sick (2 weeks ago) I went out and played golf. Fresh air, chasing the white ball, ahhhh, the elixir of life. Also, this is why I love A.Maria -- she was knitting a scarf for her dad ... Way to go A.Maria!

Hope you feel better soon. Love, Dad