Saturday, September 09, 2006

The No Ambition Tour

I just can't seem to pull myself out of bed in the morning. And I can't seem to escape from my desk in the afternoon. Er, evening, really. I haven't been getting home until well past the start of Prime Time television shows. Good thing the new seasons have yet to start.

I've been away from home weekend after weekend after weekend since... SHIT! I don't even remember the last time I sat on my couch on Saturday morning. And while I still do love to travel, I am realizing that I love it a little bit less these days. Since I have a great apartment and a fabulous roommate and an adorable cat...

I just haven't felt myself lately. I can't focus. On anything. As soon as I give my attention to one project another one starts screaming at me. And quite often I find that I am only half listening to people when they're talking to me. I'm walking into walls and bumping my head on doors. I keep losing my keys. My wallet. My cell phone. My mind...

I feel like I am falling apart.

And I'm pretty sure the only way to fix this feeling is to rest up, eat right, and exercise. But I can barely bring myself to lace up the Asics or roll out the yoga mat. All I want to do at this point is stare at my ceiling.

So that's what I'm going to do... Thus, my ambition-free weekend continues.


Laurie said...

Absolutely. You deserve a break. Take it easy and don't feel one bit guilty. You work hard all the time.

Cliff said...

Phase V, I mean Nic. It sounds a lot like u are burning out from work.

Be it work or exercise. I know there is a time i need to back off on certain things when one area of my life is not balance.

Of course, I ain't always the best mood at doing this.

Just follow what your mind and body wants to do. Take a break. Go for a walk. Stare the ceiling.

I don't think u are 'no ambition'. Those projects screaming at work..yeah they are ambitious alright :)

Mike said...

Friggen work taking over your life....where's the balance!!?!?
That seriously up...recharge...stare at that ceiling and DO NOTHING for's all good. You'll get your mojo back soon enough!

a.maria said...

i'm completely behind your ambitionless weekend!! you gotta do what ya gotta do woman! take it easy and chill a bit. you'll be feeling better before ya know it!

Neese said...

staring at the ceiling is a good thing sometimes you just have to BE. once you can clear the mind it'll be clear to you what your next move is.

Habeela said...

Ahhh..the sweet sound of relaxation - I'd almost forgotten what it sounds like! :) Enjoy!

Anonymous said...

I am going to tell you what I "think" you want to hear. Just get out there and do it - even if you don't have any ambition. Perhaps the good job that I know you are going to do will inspire you.