Sunday, January 15, 2006

Me and My Shadow

She's taller. And leaner. How I wish I looked. And fast. She's fast.

But I was keeping up. And if you want to get technical about it, I guess I was driving her. Down JKF Jr. Drive. Down and around the carousel. Past the Conservatory of Flowers. Around the Japanese Tea Garden. Alongside Stowe Lake and without realizing it, headed into Ocean Beach and the Pacific Ocean. Left on the Great Highway. Smiling. Hello-ing to everyone I passed.

I didn't glance at my watch until I had been going for almost 40 minutes. I turned around at Vicente Street, my Out finished and my Back beginning. Up the Sunset coast, beaming. Stronger than the sun with every stride. Right onto Martin Luther King Jr Blvd, winding along, up and down the rolling hills. All the way back to Hippie Hill. High as a Kite...

Me, and the San Francisco locals hanging out there.

I'm 5'3" on a good day, but today I was 5'6" for 12 miles. Soaring through Golden Gate Park. Right, Left, Right. Just me and My Shadow. She's taller. And leaner. Unfortunately for her, she can't beam like I can.


Anonymous said...

Take me with her! :)

Anonymous said...

Dad says ... This was a great post! ... I really liked it! ... I also saw that someone just set a new 1/2 marathon record this weekend -- time: less than 59 minutes. That's like 4:30 per mile! WOW!

a.maria said...

well done you. i'm beyond jealous.

keep on runnin, and i WILL see you in san diego!

(i'm buying my ticket to fly out there THIS WEEK! woo!)

walchka said...

You always have such great post! Glad you hear you had really good run.