Sunday, January 29, 2006

Running on the Top of the Bay

It was sunny. And at 55 degrees with a light breeze, it was perfect weather for a long training run style tour of the city. Starting with a brisk warm-up down California Street to the Ferry Building. A right onto Embarcadero in the direction of SBC Park, which I actually hadn’t seen until this Sunday. Dodging tourists and kids on tricycles, the first 40 minutes of the run flew by before I was back on the familiar trail, running along the Marina and through Crissy Field.

Out to Hoppers Hands and I had ONLY been going for about 70 minutes. And so I decided to see how the Golden Gate looked from the other side – the TOP side. Back towards the city, and up the Presidio hill. (Yep, the hill that everyone who ran the Nike Women’s Marathon loved so much!) I quickened my pace in an effort to make it go by more quickly. And between breaths, I laughed to myself at the pure idiocy of running this hill on my own volition.

After a much shorter time than I predicted, I reached the top and took my first few steps out onto the bridge. Crossing #2. Although it was loud, and there were a bizillion tourists, these two miles across and back were nothing short of glorious. I allowed my mind to wander as I took in all the sounds and scenery. Will traveling across this structure ever become mundane? How can people who want to end their life not change their mind when they see how beautiful everything is from up here? When will my family and friends come visit me? Will my inner thighs ever stop rubbing when I run?

I didn't say it was all going to be poetic...

Recent bouts with homesickness and my scale aside, life really can’t be too bad when the scenery for you’re weekly long run includes the San Francisco skyline, the Golden Gate Bridge, and the Marin Headlands.

Life is good. And so was my run: 2 hours, 20 minutes, 15 miles, 1 yummy packet of Chocolate Gu, 0 blisters, and an accomplishment that merits a few hours of wasting time.

(Insert whistles here...)


running42k said...

I am envious reading that post. Sounds like an amazing run.

pookalu said...

was otis redding running through your head?

and how DID you solve the blister/chafing problem?

wahoowa! (and yes, i agree, i don't really miss the grounds myself...the school just seems to be coming up often these days, or maybe it's because i decided to look up ex-boyfriends the other day on hoosonline...heheheh this is what happens when you're procrastinating with an internet connection...but you didn't hear my stalking behavior from me, i swear this is the first time i've done this! i swear!)

brent said...

wow, good run!

walchka said...

Sounds like you had a great run. Congrats! Wish I could just whip off 15 miles. Maybe in a few months. :)

Anonymous said...

Good job! Thanks for the run. High Five!

Unknown said...

Way to go! I don't think I'll ever get there unless I have you running there right next to me! Great job... And to think I could have swam that long on a normal workout daily..