Monday, October 31, 2005

T and A

I encourage everyone to experience a San Francisco Halloween at some point. Until that day arrives, please enjoy these pics. They hardly sum up my evening, which lasted until 4:00 a.m. (that includes the clock rollback) but they are all I remembered to document...

Picture #1:

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Apparently these men know something about the female anatomy. SO life-like! The nipples point in different directions. And the breasts themselves are different sizes. One even sags more than the other. I hope these guys got to put their anatomy knowledge to work on Saturday night, but I imagine macking on a woman while dressed as a breast is kind of difficult. A for effort, though.

Picture #2:

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I think this guy was trying to make fun of the assless chaps that run rampant around parts of San Francisco, most notably The Castro. In the end, I think we made more fun of this guy's ass than he did of the assless chaps phenomenon. Are those stretch marks?

The holidays are here! Happy Halloween to you and yours....


psychacid said...

Anything by Nick Hornby?

psychacid said...
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Anonymous said...

Ahhhhh to be young again!

Jay said...

Ahhhhh to be slightly younger again!

a.maria said...

nice. my halloween was spent packing and eating soup while watching some truly terrible tv.

WOO! watch out. i'm outta control...

Mia said...

Hilarious! Did you get a chance to walk through Height and Ashbury - you can always count on seeing some freakos out there! Although, I could always go for seeing grown men dressed up at 'tits'...

brent said...

heh, funny.