Monday, July 17, 2006

Seventh Day Slump

My knees are radiating heat. And I can feel my pulse in my big toe. My quadriceps, not quite sore, seem to request that I stay seated. I can hear my legs tell me, "We're tired."

My arms are heavy. There is a kink in my left shoulder and crackle in my right. I can barely raise my arms to brush my hair and adjust my ponytail. I am weak...

My eyelids are clumsy. They flip and flop as my head bibs and bobs. And though I flick the lids up in an attempt to stay awake, they droopily fall down, politely demanding we crawl into bed to rest. Soon...

I suppose it is only natural to feel this tired after getting back on track to complete my first full week of training.

However I am not encouraged.

(Rest Day - 4 miles - WALK - To and from work.)


Habeela said...

Ah yes, the joys of city life - you can not escape the exercise even if you want to.

walchka said...

The first couple of weeks back always hurt, but its all "money in the bank" for Chicago.

btw...I promise not to bring any bad weather with me to chi-town.

Brooke said...

Who can blame you for being tired after the past couple of weeks that you've had. I hope a good nights sleep helps and you are feeling like yourself again soon.

Cliff said...

I get creaky knee too..i am old as well.

Have some good rest..

pookalu said...


found this article today which i didn't read, but it may interest you:

from the NYT

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you need a massage.

a.maria said...

i'm with you on this one. i had my first brick last night and i still don't think i'm fully recovered.

with this heat, and your nutball schedule, take care of yourself! you'll need a little cushion to get back into full swing!