Sunday, July 31, 2005

Thank You, Percy

Who knew such enlightenment could stem from housesitting? I certainly didn't. If I did, I likely would not have accepted the position on account of having already met my emotional stress threshhold for the summer. However being naive to the concept of caring for animals and other peoples' homes, I emerge from housesitting with the ability to relay the lessons I've learned and the things I've figured out.

(In no particular order...)

  • People should have tails.
  • I don't want to get old.
  • Driveways are a gift.
  • I am not ready to have children.
  • Hell, I'm not ready to have pets.
  • It's normally harder to stay mad than it is to forgive and forget.
  • It has been a really long time since I have taken care of someone.
  • It has been an even longer time since that someone truly appreciated it.
  • Kitty litter is fascinating.
  • Dog lick isn't that bad, after all.
  • 2 Benadryl is too much.
  • Always keep Resolve Carpet Cleaner on hand.

Housesitting has been an adventure. And it's left me anxiously awaiting the official kick-off of my Phase Five adventure to San Francisco. Thank you, fishes. And Theo. And Zelda. And Cassie. Thank you, Percy. Thank you especially to Percy.


Jay said...

Why do you think people should have tails? Do you just find them aesthetically pleasing, or do you see them as serving some purpose - and if so, please elaborate, with drawings if possible.

Nic said...

If people had tails, you wouldn't have to wonder if the guy to whom you just gave your number would call. His tail would be wagging uncontrollably as he entered your number into his phone. He would be SURE to call.

And, if people had tails, you would know who all the Mean Girls are. ("I love your skirt!... That skirt is hideous.")

Tails will only work on humans if they remain a body part over which we have limited control. Like blinking. Still, a life without wondering, "Will he call?" sounds like a good life to me.

Jay said...

Ah, I see.
I myself have never had that problem because I am far too fabulous. Of course he'll call. The question is, will I answer?