Friday, August 26, 2005

I'm Going Going Back Back to Cali Cali

In the words of Notorious BIG, I'm going back to Cali. And this time I'm staying... indefinitely.

We had to peel ourselves from Sedona, but we were able to get on the road by 12:22 P.M. And we arrived safely in Los Angeles, CA at 7:47 P.M. A rather enjoyable 484 miles, even with the added burden of navigating Los Angeles during rush hour while driving directly into the setting sun. I'm not quite sure I understand the glory of riding into the sunset. You can't see shit. And L.A., do me a favor and paint some goddamn lines on the freeway so I know where my lane is. But I digress.

I'll be in Los Angeles for a few days. I'm staying with my friend from high school. Yes, FRIEND. The original member of the GFC who messed me all up back in May when he told me his only worry about me was my tendency to play it safe. You remember the conversation. (And if you don't you can catch up...) It spurred the creation of my trip as well as this blog.

Therefore I find spending my first few days in California with him more than fitting. And it's been really great, so far. Before yesterday, we hadn't seen each other for almost two years. And throughout last night, that two year span sometimes felt like two days. At other times it felt like two lifetimes. Having known each other since we were 13, we know things about each other that friends from college and post college would never even think to ask. And it's always easy to be together because those "things" from childhood and adolesence always stay with us. They are the reasons we are so much of what we are as adults. On the other hand, we haven't been a part of each others' everyday lives in nearly five years. He's different. I'm different. And experiencing each other again right now is inspiring feelings of awe. It's hard - and yet so wonderful - to believe we're 25 years old and living in California.

And so last night we celebrated. "To California!" After the toast, he looked at me and smiled. Without speaking, he told me he was glad I proved him wrong. I know it had always been a part of his plan. He's a pusher. He pushed me to UVA and now he's pushed me to California. But I'm a runner. Once I'm pushed, there's no stopping me.


Anonymous said...

Dad says ... I'll give him a push one of these days ...

Donald said...

I just noticed this in an old post - wasn't it LL Cool J who was "Goin' back to Cali"? Or maybe I'm the one who's mixed up. The 80's are kind of a blur...