Monday, March 27, 2006

Crazy Eights

I am dedicated. I woke up early this morning. I made it to the gym. Despite a late night. I am also audacious. My legs were sore, but I went out for six miles. But I am strong. I finished them.

I am fast. I ran all six in a total time of 49:25! And I am crazy. I did 800 repeats. Five times! At 7:20 pace. 3 minutes and forty seconds per 800.

Yet, I am hopeful. They say that those workouts are going to get me to the Finish Line on time. However, I am somewhat skeptic. Dag, yo. Those repeats were rough!

I am tired. Dog tired. And I'm going to bed now.


Mike said...

Nice work on the Yassos...I always seem to have found an excuse to structure and hit those on a weekly basis in the build to a mary..I'm sure you'll reap the benefits come race day!
No skepticism allowed- believe!

running42k said...

I think the phsyical strenght of a marathon comes from the long runs and hill work outs. The Yassos strengthen the mind, which can't hurt.

Great workout.

Brooke said...

Great job!!! I bet you are walkig a little taller today.

Anonymous said...

Can you convert that for me? ;)

Jay said...

haha, "dag, yo"

You ran those yassos hella fast. Nice job girl!

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