Thursday, March 16, 2006

The Standard Meeting Participants

I am sitting next to Hollaback Girl. "That's right. Hmmm-hmmm. Oh. No, we're not! Well... Yes. That's right. That's good. Easy! Thank you."

I am sitting behind Stupid Question Guy. "Is this a meeting? Are we in a hotel? In Boston? What is MY name?"

I am listening to Doesn't Think He Needs a Microphone. I can't hear him, however.

I am watching Loves the Laser Pointer. He is a neurologist. He enjoyes making the audience follow him with their eyes. This meeting is about migraine headaches. And his presentation leaves me wanting to take a few Aleve.

I am deciphering RAG - Rapid Acronym Generator. None of these acronyms are listed in the study glossary. I am positive that RAG creates a new acronym EOS. (Every Other Sentence.)

I am dodging Way To Happy To Meet Everyone. Lady, we just met at the reception last night. How can it be SO GOOD to see me again? A mere 10 hours after our introduction...

I am waiting for Asks Too Many Questions to finish so I can get out of here.




Brooke said...

You are too funny. I think I've met all those people at one time or another. Different faces, but the traits are the same.

walchka said...

Sounds like things are going real well. :)

Anonymous said...

Now you can go for a run.... hey, if you find my legs please return them to me... I lost them in the Marathon in 1997 at about the 24 mile mark. Thanks in advance.

Mike said...

Hilarious! You forgot "meetings put me to sleep guy"...I was in a meeting yesterday and there was a guy sitting on the end who kept nodding off..he would wake up everytime his head fell to one side. If only he could balance his darn head...I ended up paying more attention to him then what was being discussed!
Hope your trip goes well!

pookalu said...

omg...I am watching Loves the Laser Pointer. He is a neurologist CRACKS ME UP!

mouse said...

hahaha! this cracked me up, because I just came from a conference, where I swear each of these people must have also attended.