Thursday, March 23, 2006

I'm Wide Awake and It's [4 in the] Morning

I thunderbolt out of bed.

I have forgotten to call her back. For a few days, now. My childhood friend who is coming to San Francisco for work. With whom I haven't spoken in about ten years. Amidst dodging a call from The Bartender - why? have you NO shame? And Guy from Harry's Bar - he says that every time he calls... I'm not really avoiding him I just haven't had time to talk to him. I can't believe I gave him my number in the first place. I don't remember what he looks like. I just remember that he's an architecht and I got really excited about that. And then there was the news that my best friend in San Francisco is moving. Quitter! And she's going to Los Angeles for eff's sake! And then there was dinner tonight with Dirty Jersey. (Remember him?) It wasn't just him, but he wanted to take me and HBP out for missing our birthdays. Given that my birthday was a full month ago, one can imagine what an undertaking scheduling this dinner was.

I have had a busy week.

Back to my thunderbolt. I turn on the computer and send her an apologetic email. I acknowledge that it's 4:03 a.m. I hope that will induce her forgiveness for my ignorance.

As if that were enough. Because of course, Nic's Brain is super confused. She thinks we're awake for good, or something. No wonder I'm turning into quite the road runner, with The Brain always on the go, plowing through all there is to do and think about. Miles and miles of tasks and thoughts. Even at effing four in the morning.

My room is now clean. I have responded to other emails. And I've blogged. I'm going to go floss my teeth...

I feel the desire to craw back under the covers building. Success!


Anonymous said...

Early bird catches the worm!

walchka said...

When my brain is running it never wakes me up, it just doesn’t allow me to sleep in the first place.

Hopefully your early morning won’t disrupt the rest of your day too much.

Unknown said...

Wishing I wanted to get up earlier.. It's been a problem.. And to just think I used to get up at 4am all the work out.

a.maria said...

ditto walchka!

Mike said...

Busy is good though right!?
On the other hand, cleaning / blogging / flossing at eff'ng 4 am?!? Fuggedaboudit! ;-)

Anonymous said...

But now at least when I see you it will be for 48 hours over various weekends... doing crazy cool exciting things. You can continue revealing SF gems to me and I can help you see the beauty of my new city! I love you even though you called me a "Quitter."