Monday, April 03, 2006

The Entire Gamut

  • Giddy. For a weekend. That started with a low-key, Friday night Happy Hour with co-workers.
  • Amused. That drinks at “The Jack” continued with dinner at Hooters.
  • Surprised. Over why The Homeowner called after two months of silence.
  • Puzzled. Over why he didn't leave a message.
  • Excited. That I went to bed at 11PM on a Friday night after doing some laundry and cleaning my room.
  • Anxious. For that Saturday morning 18-miler out in Marin. With The Latest, who KT has been talking up for months, now.
  • Stiff. From 4 miles on trails followed by 14 miles on the road with only one packet of Gu.
  • Stuffed. From a fantastic brunch at Dipsea Café.
  • Smiley. Over our conversations during the drive back into the city.
  • Relaxed. Because of an afternoon spent napping and watching television.
  • Hesitant. About hanging out with The Architect.
  • Confident. Due to my amazing Saturday night skinny jeans.
  • Good. Because The Architect is OK with not meeting up.
  • Fabulous. Because The Latest was awesome and we hung out all night.
  • Drunk. From that unnecessary last drink.
  • Wet. From the hot tub.
  • Cold. Because the Hot Tub turned out to be the Tepid Tub.
  • Disappointed. That he has a girlfriend.
  • Incredulous. That he didn’t tell me until our lips were just about to touch.
  • Tired. Because holy shit it was 5 in the morning by the time we got home.
  • Giggly. To wake up, at 12:30 PM, look down, and see myself still fully clothed from the night before.
  • Peppy. At first, upon convening with the roommates to re-live the previous evening’s misadventures.
  • Hurting. From the run, the liquor, and the diss from The Latest.
  • Pissed. At the crappy $15 breakfast.
  • Pleased. At the last-minute decision to get Gelato for dessert.
  • Sorry. That I forgot I was supposed to hang out with The Big Brother.
  • Content. To have spent the majority of Sunday in my bed and on the phone with some of my best friends and family.
  • Elated. To hear their appreciation and love for my ridiculous misadventures.
  • Antsy. For The Sopranos and Grey’s Anatomy.
  • Sad. When the shows were over and it was time for bed.
  • Reluctant. To get out of bed this morning for 7 tempo miles.
  • Guilty. Of re-setting the alarm clock and getting back in bed.
  • Devoted. To this damn marathon, and so I got out of bed and laced up.
  • Starving. From 7 miles in 59:40.
  • Irritated. That I need to go to the grocery store AGAIN.
  • Angry. At the $35 parking ticket I got for forgetting to curb my wheels.
  • Dragging. Through this never ending Monday.
  • Bitter. That work is so slow.
  • Sneaky. And getting the hell out of here. Now.


walchka said...

Wow what a weekend and I thought mine was chalked full. I really like the way you wrote this post.

Mike said...

That's it? That's all you could cram into your weekend?!
kidding of course- You are BUSY!
18 miler Saturday followed by a fast tempo run on Monday- Nice.
Sounds like your fitness is there!

running42k said...

Quite the range of emotions.

You are going to kick some serious ass in that marathon.

Brooke said...

The homeowner probably didn't leave a message because he didn't know what to say after 2 months. He'll call back.
Great job on the 18 miler. You are my inspiration.
It sounds like a great weekend. I still have to watch this week's Grey's Anatomy. I'm still catching up on all my Tivo'd stuff from last week.

Anonymous said...

Wow, did I ever have one of those weekends..... nope!

Here are mine.. get up early with The Boy, do an adventure, bath, books, bed!

a.maria said...

well, you def'ly ran the gamut.

The Latest sounds like a d*ck. but what's with Homeowner calling? haven't heard his name in a while.

skinny jeans? hells yeah chica! way to go you!

and dont even get me started on your sub-hour 7 mile run.

hmpf! ;)