Monday, April 24, 2006

Monday's Gone

I love Monday Night.

Yes. A lot of why I love Monday Night has to do with the fact that I normally spend part of the evening glued to HBO OnDemand, watching the episodes of The Sopranos and Big Love that I missed from Sunday night. (When my roommates preferred watching those shows on ABC...)

And yes, I also love Monday Night because I normally have a stockpile of food to eat for dinner on these evenings. Having just been to the grocery store on Sunday afternoon. The veggies are fresh, the chicken didn't have to be defrosted, and there is still milk in the carton!

But, if you really want to know, the reason why I most love Monday Night is because it is just SO far away from my next round of Manic Monday (Morning) Madness.

Monday's gone with the wind! Good (Monday) Night!


running42k said...

Add Monday Night Football in the fall. That brings us to your only character fault. The Eagles. You seem like such a nice and intelligent lady. What is up with the Eagle love?

Go Skins. ;-)

pookalu said...

i want HBO. actually, i don't, otherwise i would never leave my house.

my grocery shopping on sunday was a fiasco...involving a steep hill, a walk-up apartment, a return-to-the-store-to-buy-more-food-still-carrying-groceries (including a cantaloupe and a pineapple and a whole chicken in our grocery bags already, natch!)...i was sooo tired by the end of the shopping!

Brooke said...

The food part of it is why I love Thursday nights.
I can't vouch for the TV part of anything because it seems I never watch anything on the actual day it comes on anymore. Everything is Tivo'd for another day. Someday I'll catch up.

Mike said...

Veggies, chicken, & milk!?!? You athletes and your wacky diets!
I had a sausage/olive pizza & ice cream for dinner. I'm keepin it real!;-)