Tuesday, April 04, 2006


Three miles. They take less than 30 minutes to run. 27 minutes, actually. Tops. And honestly, what's the point in running for less than a half hour? Most of the time, it takes almost an entire 30 minutes to actually get into a run. One that feels REALLY good, anyway.

So I don't understand the whole Three Easy Miles concept. Because for the most part, their not easy. They're long. And slow. And grueling.

For the most part.

This week, I don't have to heave-ho my legs around. And I don't wince when I get into and out of a chair. Actually, it doesn't even hurt to just sit and be. And yet again, at 5:59 AM, my eyes opened so that I did not have to endure the blaring alarm. Even this week's three miles were... EASY.

I don't know what's different this week, but something has clicked. And for once, it isn't my effing hip!


Mike said...

Hey- you're too young to have problems with your hips! ;-)

Glad to hear the running is all falling into place...every little bit helps..even 27 minutes...it's all about increasing the durability of those legs for the long haul!

Brooke said...

Hey--3 miles takes me 33 minutes, so I usually enjoy the last 3 minutes.

running42k said...

I think the three miles easy is a trade off. You kind of rest without the antsyness of resting with no excercise.

Anonymous said...

I would give my left sprained ankle to run 3 miles now! :(

Unknown said...

I'm more for the less end of running - 45 mins or less is right up my alley. But get me in a pool and that's a different story - well unless I get bored and decide to stop...

a.maria said...

agreed. in all parts.

a.maria said...

oh and i'm with jkrunning. 3 miles is normally right at 33 minutes for me.


i must give you your earned @#$%$#@ at 27 minutes!

*grumble grumble*

Unknown said...

I wish I could run three miles in 27 minutes. Right now I can barely do 2.25 running/walking. But I just started.