Thursday, April 06, 2006


I am dedicated. Also committed, devoted, enthusiastic, and hard-working. Purposeful, wholehearted, and zealous. I have the ability to set goals and work to achieve them. And I am probably the most loyal person thatn any of you will ever know.

However, I am also quite scatterbrained. In the most responsible sense, of course. Quite often, I quickly lose interest in what I'm doing. Apply positive spin to this cold hard fact, and I become Miss Multi-Tasker. Stop by my desk and you'll find me composing an email, updating a flow diagram, and ordering concert tickets online, while also talking on the phone and to the person one cube over. I have not yet figured out how to talk on my cell while also sending a text message, but come to think of it, my phone does have speakerphone and Bluetooth capabilities; so I can probably figure out how to do it. I'll likely get this done tomorrow on my way to work. Why just walk when I could walk, talk, and text? Oh, and chew gum. I'll definitely need some gum.

So it makes sense that the only way in hell I can get in all of my training workouts is first thing in the morning. Before the stores open. And before my roommates and friends are awake. Not that I haven't thought about calling yous guys on the East Coast at 5:30 a.m. while I treck to the gym, but most of you are trecking to the office and are underground at that hour, so I don't bother. But it makes sense. Because if I try to run any later in the day, I will likely see a newspaper, drink a coffee, realize I have to buy more toilet paper, walk to the store, stop and buy some flowers, call my mother, crave a stiff drink, walk back to the corner store, spot a cute guy, sigh that I have nothing to wear, stroll down to Polk Street and into some boutiques, buy a new pair of pants, notice I need to shave my legs, and then go home and take a shower.

And why run when you've just showered?

All this lack of focus means that I have a plethora of good intentions. So if my committed side is playful, I can get a ton of work done. But never by 5:00 p.m. I can't seem to get anything done by 5:00 p.m. anymore. Every day this week, I have found myself burrowed under a pile of emails and a stack diagrams at 5:00 p.m. My phone screams at me to return calls. And those effing Outlook reminders keep ding-dong-ding-ing.

So what I'm taking forever to say (because there are so many other things to talk about, too) is that while I have completed all my runs the past few weeks, including another seven miles of Yassos yesterday, I haven't been getting in much yoga. And it's stressing me out. I'm stressed out because I haven't been to yoga and I'm stressed out because I haven't been to yoga. Do you get the difference?

So, being a total scatterbarined-sure let's open ANOTHER window while I blog this entry-cheese-ball, I did some quote searching. Here's what I've found...
  • "It is not good enough for things to be planned - they still have to be done; for the intention to become a reality, energy has to be launched into operation.” --Walt Kelly
Um, thanks Walt. I think I've learned this lesson. Just carrying around my yoga clothes doesn't mean I'm going to make it to yoga. I get it. I have to actually GO. Check.
  • "All that is necessary to break the spell of inertia and frustration is this: act as if it were impossible to fail. That is the talisman, the formula, the command of right-about-face that turns us from failure toward success.” --Dorothea Brande
Dorothea, you rule! What you're NOT saying is that I need to find a yoga training schedule. Something that says I HAVE to go. Because all this yoga has just been icing on the cake I call Busting My Ass to Qualify for Boston. Sweet!

Luckily, I ALSO still know THIS quote by heart...
  • "Tomorrow, tomorrow, I love ya, tomorrow. You're only a day away!" -- Annie
Except that tomorrow's Friday. So... Sunday. Yes, Sunday. I'll go to yoga again on Sunday. (Hm... So much for all that talk of intention...)


running42k said...

Wow. That was an energetic post. Were you jacked on caffine or is that a natural side effect of a busy day.

I am a morning workout guy. Same reason.

Brooke said...

I am the same way. I am always doing "something," but never getting "anything" done.

pookalu said...

you forgot about comparing it to what your yoga "activation energy" is. and you call yourself an engineer? shame on you. oh wait, is that more physical chemistry than anything else? i'm such a geek.

Anonymous said...

Don't you dare call me at 530am! ;)

Anonymous said...

My dad had the following quote in his office:
"Never put off till tomorrow, what you can do the day after tomorrow."
-Mark Twain
It's one of my favorites and I clearly live by it.

Cliff said...

isn't talking a type of intention...

I get multi task at times...then i realize i am not getting anything done.

Mike said...

Those outlook reminders are a killer aren't they!?
Make the yoga happen though...if it keeps you in your "happy place", then it can be just as important as one of those scheduled runs. It's all about crossing the finish line in 3:40:59 ...or less, of course!;-)

walchka said...

If you go to yoga on Sunday I'll make it to the gym and lift on Monday. Deal?