Saturday, September 03, 2005

Alone at the Top

I picked her up on Thursday night at the airport. Within only a few minutes in the car, I was delighted to find that we still think the same exact thing at the same exact time. (I know it's only been two weeks of separation, but...) I have always loved her laugh, but for some reason it sounded even better to me in the car on the way back to my apartment on Thursday night.

I met the infamous older brother Chris. Having heard stories about him for three years, I said hello to him like we'd already met countless times. Then remembered I should probably introduce myself. After a few short days, he has lived up to every story she has previously told me about him. He's crazy.

On Friday we got in some touristing time. Headed down to Ghiradelli Square and Fisherman's Wharf. Visited Pier 39 and the Sea Lions. We had a scary run-in with the Bushman, and decided that the homeless of San Francisco are way more creative than the homeless of DC. 8 miles and a powernap later, we dined on Sparks-tinis and DiGiorno pizza before heading out to a bar in North Beach, where I met my first new friend in San Francisco.

It's not surprising that with MMG in town, I have made my first new friends in San Francisco. They'll never come close to replacing her, but I should probably give them a chance to sit at the top beside her.


Anonymous said...

Dad says .... "Humor spawned, and we laughed at ourselves and each other and at parents and politicians and Jon Stewart and the world in general." ---- What -- what parents? Your Parents? His parents? Me?

Anonymous said...

Sorry, I'm queen of this mountain. Haha. Great times all around! If only I could find a Bushman in DC...