Friday, February 03, 2006

Don't Sniff, Blow!

Today's horoscope, compliments of my Customized Google Homepage and the folks at

"The previous months may have demonstrated the importance of your friends and their steady presence in your life. If, however, you're looking for new friends, now is a great time to make overtures to others in order to start creating more fellowship. Remember, being social is a conscious choice. Going out of your way to build community will be rewarded in the weeks ahead."

Do you see why I believe in this crap?

So, although I am struggling through the beginnings of a cold, I feel that it is my duty to go to this dinner party I've been invited to attend. I drank 3 16 oz glasses of Airborne today. Not to mention two cups of tea, and probably 8 more 8 oz glasses of water. My desk looked like a fraternity basement... sans cans of beer.

And I had to pee so many times today that I'm worried people in the office think I have a "habit." The sniffling and the tissues aren't making that image any better, either.

Hopefully this crap will be blown to the curb in time for Sunday's race!

For now, time to shower and consciously be social. I'm building a community tonight!

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