Sunday, February 26, 2006

Operation Skylark

They say, "To 'Skylark' is an old English slang term for going out in the night with boisterous friends and strong libations."

It was night. The 30-40 of my *closest* San Francisco friends who were in attendance were boisterous. And the Mojitos, not to mention the hard core shots, were definitely strong.

Packed into the little bar at 16th and Valencia, in the heart of The Mission, I celebrated my first San Francisco birthday. Bopping from conversation to conversation, hugging and thanking people for coming. Getting down to Old School Hip Hop.

If I were to judge whether or not it was a good party based on the fact that quite a few people were hating life this morning, I'd say Operation Skylark was a success. And if I were to consider the fact that I certainly broke a couple of New Years Resolutions throughout the course of the evening, I'd also give Operation Skylark my stamp of approval.

However, most importantly, if I were to weigh in the fact that I can't wait to conduct another Operation with many of these new SF friends, I'd say Operation Skylark made for a REALLY great birthday.

Oh and those broken New Years Resolutions? They weren't anything a few Advil and an entire Nalgene of water before bed couldn't fix.


Meredith said...

Hey I love your blog. My favorite post, thus far, was the one where you used your Operation Research studies to map your way through the US. That's so what I would do. Keep up the hard work and qualifying for Boston will be easy. Qualifying is more of a mental stumbling block than physical. I look forward to following your journey through life and running.

pookalu said...

i love good birthday celebrations!

the advil and water treatment this weekend feel really familiar to me, for some reason... :)

Anonymous said...

I thought I was the only one who drank Mojitos! Cool!

Brooke said...

Sounds like a great birthday. Hoepfully my first North Carolina birthday will be half as successful.

walchka said...

Glad to hear that you had a really good time celebrating your 1st Cali B-Day. 30-40 people in a bar dancing away sounds like a great time.

Anonymous said...

I was thinking of you on Saturday night and unable to call because I was without service in the mountains! :-( Glad to hear it was a success.