Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Think Pink

Hands down, conjunctivitis is the best illness on the planet. You're super contagious so you can't go to school. And yet you feel 100% fine. Save the crustiness that tends to ooze out of the eyes.

The problem with a cold, and a chest cold nevertheless, is that it is NOT conjunctivitis. You're probably not too contagious after the first day. But for a few days, you can't really move. Or remember things. And OH, the hacking. You feel like crap. I REALLY feel like crap. And I bet I will be feeling less than great for the next week.

I didn't make it to work today, much less to the trail, gym, or yoga. I guess I have been going pretty strong lately. It's not entirely surprising that some germs got the best of me.

Still, I'm frustrated. Because even though I feel like a complete hacking blob, I am antsy to get out of the apartment to do something. I feel like I all the momentum and excitement and good healthy vibes I've been building the past month and a half are colliding into a wall. All the energy is going to dissipate and I'm not going to be able to collect it again.

That's another problem with colds - they make your outlook suck.

So, I'm going to head to bed. The latest Runner's World arrived today, which begs a question: If I miss MY training run, does reading about the training runs of others make up for it? It does today!


ExBF said...

Colds are the bane of my existence; I've avoided one this winter so far..hope ya' feel better ;)

walchka said...

Sorry to hear that you are not feeling well. I totally understand the frustration and antsy feelings and it does suck. Just rest up and let your body heal. You'll be back running in no time. Take care...

running42k said...

Reading about runs is not the same, it makes you feel worse. I hear you on how a cold can make your outlook suck.

Hope you are on your feet soon.

Anonymous said...

Feel better! I gave up on Runners World long ago.

Jay said...

As long as I don't feel anything below the neck, I just head out and run. I could be sniffling up a cyclone, but I'll still go out there. My body doesn't like me.

pookalu said...

hey, conjunctivitis sucks. i wear contacts, and the non-disposable kind. so i'm out a chunk of change when i get pink eye. luckily, that has happened only once.

sending good vibes to get over your cold. everyone's down this year (the flu season esp. has hit really hard!)

can you do bicycle wheel thingies when you're in bed, or is that too taxing?

Scooter said...

Feel better!

If you hadn't seen it already, this will probably make you smile (regarding 2 very different kinds of running - the obvious one and noses)