Thursday, February 23, 2006

The Pendulum

I find myself either with zero potential boyfriends or in a state of Mandemonium. And my friends are either all in town, pulling me in different directions or dispersed throughout the world, leaving me alone in my apartment.

I either cry out of loneliness or for the desire to spend just 2 minutes with only myself.

Either my night stand is too small for every book that I'm reading or my bookmark is stuck on the same page of a thick Chapter 1 for weeks. And as for my room, you can either see your reflection in the dresser or you can't see your foot underneath the piles of clothes on the floor.

I either have nothing to wear or nothing I want to keep pent up in my closet.

At work, I'm either bored and gauging out my eyes or stressed and pulling out my hair. And in the car, I'm either coasting in third at 35 mph or approaching maximum overdrive in fifth.

Sadly, I'm either training for a marathon or I'm not running at all.

I'm either drinking like a fish or not craving even a single drop of wine. And most of the time, I'm either sleeping five hours a night or ten.

And when you really boil things down, I'm always either telling the 100% honest truth or lying. Through my teeth!

And so it goes, back and forth and back again. Up to the feast. Down to the famine. And back up again. Gouging eyes, yanking hair, and one more time gouging eyes.

Tick-tock-tick. Starved-stuffed-starved. Blind-bald-blind.


Jay said...

Be the dash in Yin-Yang.

pookalu said...

when it rains, it pours.

or not.

Anonymous said...

Dad says ... this is a classic F-family trait -- It is bi-polar, ying-yang, mezzo-mezzo, hill-valley, Uncle MF, ocean-desert, etc. It always comes at Birthday time too when you stop and say ... "now what?" Sooooo, hang in there and just think about Calvin Ball -- that will cheer you up. Love Dad.

Anonymous said...

I'm a Libra....

a.maria said...

i could not agree with you more and after this week's PURE HELL and PURE DELIGHT ...

well. i just wish i lived closer to san fran!

Anonymous said...

It's 'gouging'... ^_^

Nic said...

What, you don't "pledge" your eyes out? Ha ha! Thanks for the editing. You know how much I HATE mis-used words!

Brooke said...

Hey Nic--love the new picture!! I need to figure out how to add a picture to my profile. One of these days....Hope you had a good birthday. Like your dad said, I think we all get philisophical around our big day.

walchka said...

You would think that one day we would track down that middle ground, but it is always so illusive.