Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Now We're Cooking

There was a quick twitch, and then the sirens bellowed. I immediately jack-knifed into an upright position. I cannot STAND that twitch. Not that I'm particularly fond of that sirening, either, but the twitch is the worst. It signaled the completion of my seven (glorious) hours of prep-time. It was time to emerge from the oven.

I don't know why 5:05 feels so much earlier than 5:35, but it does. Maybe it was just my nerves. 7 miles loomed. On a treadmill, nonetheless. 7. That's the start of the serious distances. Sure, tons of Gym Rats can bang out 5 miles on a treadmill. And many a fitness enthusiast has run the 6.2 miles that constitute the 4th of July 10K. But let the distance creep up to 7 and see how many flies flee the kitchen.

Today was my first weekday long run. Which means that today was the day Marathon Training REALLY got started. 1 mile warm-up walk (downhill) to the gym. 7 mile Tempo (flat) on the treadmill. (01:00:30!!!) 1 mile cool-down walk (uphill) home. All total of 9 miles before 9:00 a.m. Not to mention the additional
2 mile walk (downhill - thankfully!) to work.

Yes, we are officially cooking, now!

However, if we're going to be honest about it, I'm feeling a little Well Done. Over-cooked, for everyone but my mother. I felt great after my run, but by noon I was exhausted. Maybe I didn't eat enough for breakfast after my workout. I felt particularly ravenous all day, and I still feel that way now, in fact. Maybe I'm not as hydrated as I should be, although I swear I've guzzled up about a gallon of caffeine free liquid the past 15 hours.

So it's off to bed. Tomorrow's run won't be as taxing. So I'm hoping I can bring this body down from a crisp broil to a low simmer...

Oh, The Joy of Training!


running42k said...

That is awesome. Why the treadmill?

As for eating, on long run days I can eat constantly, and usually do.

Brooke said...

You go girl. Pretty soon you'll be looking back saying "I only did 7 today, why am I so tired?" Just think of all the people at the gym who were whispering to themselves---"How long is that girl going to run??" I love those whispers

Anonymous said...

Good time as well. I better watch my back!

a.maria said...

oooh. mid-week long runs. now thats a scary thought. one i'd like to push out of my mind for at least another month.

i'm STILL getting used to running 4 times a week.. i dont know what i'd do if i had to run more than 3-4 miles during the week.

oh god my stomach is doing flips just thinking about it!

R.E.M. Borja said...

Wow, 7 miles in 1:00:30! On a treadmill! Great job. I feel like such a slacker when all I can tolerate mid-week is a 4 miler at a 10 min/mile pace. Which marathon, btw?

walchka said...

9 before 9...Not a bad way to get your training off to the right start. Nice job!