Monday, February 27, 2006

A Moment of Strength

Sopping wet and out of breath, fresh from my Bikram class, I found myself in a moment of weakness. I was tired. But Hot Yogi was working at the front desk... And I'm a total sucker for him anyway, but especially when he remembers my name and asks me how my birthday was. Anyway, I let him convince me to pledge to participate in the annual challenge at Funky Door: Try for Others.

Founded for a man who became paralyzed from the neck down during his senior year at UC Berekeley, Try for Others encourages the local Bay Area yogis to dedicate their practice to raising money to support individuals with spinal cord injuries. The hard core yogis have pledged to practice 30 times in 30 days, or 60 times in 60 days. Now, I'm pretty sure that there is no way in HELL I'd ever be able to fit that committment into my life at this point. Not if I wanted to keep training for a marathon. And not if I wanted to keep my new job, which is really starting to pick up! And certainly not if I wanted to continue to find some time to sleep. And eat.

Damn endorphins. And peace and presence and optimism and all the other benefits of yoga! And damn cute boys with great smiles. Who remembers my name and my birthday!!!!!

I signed up for the challenge. And starting March 1, I'm going to practice four times a week for 60 days. Considering right now I have only been able to make it down to yoga 2-3 times a week, 4 times a week for 60 days will be taxing.

But I guess I could have been pressured into worse things. And if I'm going to tell the whole truth, which I feel I should do, I wasn't really pressured to particpate in the challenge at all. It's a great cause. And the yoga has been instrumental in laying that foundation for my strive to achieve balance the past few months.

So maybe it wasn't a moment of weakness, after all. Perhaps it was a moment of strength.


running42k said...

keryn is right, it is a great compliment to the marathon training.

Plus good for you for doing this.

Brooke said...

Just echoing the above comments. Yoga will feel great after your long runs.
You should get a date out of this, maybe since you are there more, hot yogi man will ask you out...

pookalu said...

i have no idea what to say about running (i feel like i'm the only non-running reader who comments here, but hooray for the minority vote!), but it'll be great to see how much you can end up focusing during your 60 day challenge. who knows, it may become second nature to you by the very end!

and yes, maybe it's something within you that's telling you to flirt more too?

Anonymous said...

Maybe I should do yoga? ;0)

Jay said...

I'm so jealous. I wish I could do yoga more than twice a week! I've only done it a handful of times now, but I can feel the benefits all over.