Sunday, February 12, 2006


Thanks to the magic of my DVR-ing skills, when many weeks ago I configured DVR to record the entire Arrested Development series, I actually DID record the final episodes that aired on Friday. Seeing 4 episodes under My DVR just now as I set a recording for Grey's Anatomy just completely made my night. How did I ever live without DVR? All that excitement aside, I still am in mourning. And I thought that since I will no longer be able to WATCH Arrested Development, I should LISTEN to Arrested Development on my iPod.

So right now I am listenting to "Tennessee." Because, in addition to needing more Arrested Development in my life - in all forms - Dude, "I've really been real stressed. Down and out, losin ground... Problems got me pessimistic... Why does it have to be so damn tough?"

OK, I'm kidding. I'm not entirely down and out. But I did go to Tennessee today. Alright, Tennessee Valley. Just another gorgeous set of trails and mountains and ocean out in Marin County.
Since yesterday's run didn't go so well, I thought it would be a good idea to get a change of scenery. Why attack the same road again today when I could change things up a bit and run some trails?

What a TERRIBLE idea! Trail running is effing hard. Especially when the trails go straight up mountains. And when you are still getting over a cold. Eh, who am I kidding it was only 10% the lingering cold. 90% of the problem was that I am just not in shape for trail running up mountains. Well, maybe that 90% should be divided between not being in shape to run up mountains and the effects of drinking one's face off over the weekend. Friday night I had too many beers and Saturday night I had too much red wine. Which I think is healthier than beer, but still. My face fell off in a bar somewhere over the weekend. And on the mountain today, I was again reminded that I can't drink like I could when I was 20. (Growing up sucks!)

But back to the run. Anyway you look at it, it was t-o-ugh. And I think I'm going to hurt tomorrow.
I'll definitely have to run more hills if I plan to make it to the top of a certain Heartbreaker!

Running aside, the views of the Pacific Ocean at the peaks and ridges were glorious. And at one point, you could peer over other mountains to see the top of the San Francisco skyline. You could see the waves crashing against the rocky coast. And you could see the amazing homes built into the mountains framing The Bay.

I took some pictures which I'll post soon.
(Patience! I used an old disposable camera. The pictures have to be, what they call, DEVELOPED.) But in the meantime, Dad sent a couple of pics of the 18" that fell on them... Check 'em out! As grueling as Tennessee was today, I doubt it was as grueling as shoveling the driveway with Brother and Dad!

"Take me to another place... Take me to another land... Make me forget all that hurts me... Let me understand your plan..."


running42k said...

Try as hard as you might, you won't get me to feel sorry for you trail running. I am too envious for that.

(Well if you mentioned you got chased by a cougar maybe)

pookalu said...

i'm so glad you got to watch the last Fox eps of AD! annyong!

Anonymous said...

Running with the ocean would do it for me! Cant wait for the pics!

Jay said...

You should try running down at Piller Point in Half Moon Bay. It's right by the ocean and goes out for a good distance so you can do a fairly long out and back. One of my favorite places to run.