Thursday, February 16, 2006

-- Sigh --

It involves total upheaval of the chest, a shrugging of the shoulders, and an upward gaze. When I'm in a good mood, it releases a delightful humming sound. My lips curl upwards and my eyes crinkle.

My sighs are works of art, really. They can take on many moods. And as any of my current or former roommates will attest, they communicate more effectively than my mouth, my speech, my fingers, my writing.

Tonight, my sigh is telling everyone that I had a pretty fantastic day. Nothing too eventful, but when you find yourself really happy for no real reason you know it's for real. I made it to yoga this morning. Work was pretty good. And I ran some pretty fast miles after work. I felt so good that I decided to spin, too. And then I made myself some pretty fantastic Tilapia for dinner.

I am eyeing up my bed. I cannot wait to disappear under the comforters. I am breathing in, and I am smiling. Giddy that I get to wake up and do it all again tomorrow.

-- Sigh --

What a difference a few weeks makes...


running42k said...

I wish more days like that for you.

Anonymous said...

Send some sighs my way please!

pookalu said...

man, you and the tilapia.

i love sighs. they ARE so expressive....

Jay said...

I am a fan of grunts.

Brooke said...

So what exactly is Tilapia... do you have a good recipe. Hope today was as great as yesterday.

Anonymous said...

you're really on a roll....these past few blogs have been fantastic (not that they all aren't)

can't wait to read this weekend's installment.
