Thursday, February 02, 2006


So I'm sticking to my training program, but how is the rest of the resolve coming along?
  • 5 servings of vegetables a day: This goal is total bunk, but I continue to strive for 5. Salad, salad, salad. Morning, noon, and night. OK, not morning. But veggie omellette or veggie burrito or 5 a day ain't happening. Oh, and for the record, mushrooms and tomatoes count as vegetables.
  • Calling my brother once a week to say hello: I keep calling. And I keep asking how he's doing. I really do think that one day, this whole "conversation" thing will click for him, and he'll ask me how I'm doing. Until then, I will press on...
  • Wearing more hats: Probably the easiest one on the list. I have been crocheting a lot lately and I even made myself a couple of new hats.
  • Reading at least one book each month: I'm going to give myself some slack here. I am almost done with Blink, which for the record doesn't hold a candle to The Tipping Point. But because I'm also reading Wired magazine now, I learned that author Malcom just entered a deal to turn Blink into a movie. A movie! Are you kidding me? God, I effing HATE L.A.!
  • Running a marathon PR of 3:50: Well, the marathon hasn't happened yet, so I'm off the hook on this one for now, but I think I'm on track...
  • Cooking a new meal for dinner once a week: I have been doing a lot of Tilapia lately. I'm mildly obsessed. But I almost didn't cook this week because I really have to go to the grocery store and it's amazing how far the 3 blocks to the nearest store are. So I got creative the other night and cooked up an interesting version of chicken sausage scalopine with a side of high-fiber quesadilla. Yum.
  • Putting at least $250 into my savings account each month: Score! I opened an ING account, too, so I'm going to get some great interest rates. And I've set up my account to withdrawal the money automatically on the same day I get paid. I won't even miss it!
  • Taking the GMAT: Dolt! I haven't thought much about this one.
  • Applying to business school: Can I get a double dolt and a ditto!
  • Sending birthday cards to my friends and family: I've missed the January birthdays. Damn! I forgot all about this little resolver. Luckily there are many February and March birthdays coming up.
  • (Really... for good) Getting over the exes: HA! Was I joking? I haven't talked to them, though. This resolution would be a lot easier if I could meet someone here that I want to go on 4 dates with!
  • Exploring more of San Francisco: Check! Went to the Moma last Friday, ran across the Golden Gate on Sunday, and checked out some good restaurants, too. Dottie's for brunch in The Tenderloin and Andalu for dinner in The Mission... Never stop exploring! Never Stop Exploring!
  • Ending binge drinking habits: I think I had a total of 10 "drinks" this month. 7 of them can be attributed to the visit of EMI. I imbibed in the others last weekend.
  • Resuming taking dance classes. I believe we've been over that nonsense. But my mom just sent me my old dance bag, so I guess I'll be going back again sometime soon. I better start warming up those deep-buttock turn-out muscles, now.
  • Learning how to ski... or snow board: Damn! Not going to get to this one again. The roommies are headed to Tahoe this weekend but I have a half marathon to run. Soon soon. Soon soon.
  • Taking golf lessons: I think I reserve the right to delay this resolver until the rainy season ends.
  • Paying off my car: On track. Oh so very excited to get rid of that bill. And all of the stupid junk mail that accompanies it. BTW, I get AARP mailings because my dad's name is co-signed on the car loan. Thanks, Dad. Thanks.
  • Flossing daily: I have grown to love the floss. I am partial to Glide. Try it. It definitely hurts so good.
  • Taking vitamins each morning: 1 One-A-Day, 2 Multiminerals, 1 Viactiv Calcium Chew, 1 Fish Oil, and 1 Glucosamine Chondroiton. I need to get better about taking the Iron supplements though. You can't take them the same time you take Calcium, which is totally throwing me off.
  • Drinking less coffee and more tea: The new office has a rather impressive collection of tea. I am particularly partial to the Decaf Vanilla Chai.
  • Being on time: A very relative resolution, don't you think? I plan on continuing to adjust my frame of reference to rig this one in my favor!
  • Eating more fish: Nic + Tilapia = True Love. I think I've been eating it about 3 times a week. Fishy!
  • Eating less peanut butter straight from the jar: Actually, I take back what I said about the futility of attempting to eat 5 servings of veggies a day. Because I think I have a genetic mutation that prohibits me from using a knife to spread peanut butter on something other than my tongue before it enters my mouth. There was only one thing to do: all nut butters are banned from my apartment. For a while, anyway...
  • Taking a great vacation somewhere warm and tropical: There is still time. It would be much easier if I found a friend with a place in Cabo...
  • ______: Like I'm telling you!
  • Religiously applying anti-wrinkle cream: Yes, and no, it's not working!
  • Singing loudly and often: All the time! Especially in crowded places!
  • Laughing much: Despite the rough patches this month, I still believe I managed to get a couple of snorts in. But I have yet to pee my pants.
Quite the resolver I am...


running42k said...

How much do you want to fill in the blank resolution.

Anonymous said...

Can I borrow a few of those??

pookalu said...

so much to say about this....

(1) my father introduced me to this excellent new fish, which i can't for the life of me remember the name. i think it was something like yellow ....???? love it! my new favorite fish! if i remember, i'll tell you.

(2) never get rid of eating too much peanut butter from the jar!!!!! blasphemy!

(3) coffee vs. tea -- eh, whatever floats your boat. drink both! coffee has good short term memory effects, er, if memory serves me correctly! anyway, i always believe you should have a collection of "vices," otherwise you'd be one depressed person...but that's my motto!

(4) anti-wrinkle, i sooo doubt you need it! :)

Jay said...

Pete's has great tea. I love their Ti Kwan Yin. It's bold, dark-green leaves have a floral and nutty aroma, and an undercurrent of fruit. I'm always partial to green and jasmine as well.

Anonymous said...

Wow...your list of goals is much longer than mine. But, I do need to start studying for the GMATs starting in March (when my Marketing class ends). So far, all I've done is buy a book and get the rest free from craigslist.


Unknown said...

Wow! Your list will keep you busy! Too much for me there. But you seem to be doing great. :)

R.E.M. Borja said...

What has L.A. done to you? L.A. doesn't hate you. L.A. loves Nic. =)

Speaking of tilapia, I actually just had that for lunch. I'm amused by the rise of tilapia as a favored fish in restaurants. Being Filipino, I've had my fill of eating tilapia and now I can't see why folks love it so. It's good, mind you, but it's like water to me. Every Friday growing up was tilapia.